All India Political Party Meet
Agenda- Review of NDA's economic policy.
Participation in the AIPPM will provide a huge opportunity to the participants to understand and experience the procedures and processes of the Indian Government and in enhancing their debating and discussion abilities. With this year’s agenda, of AHMUN 2020, the delegates will get an opportunity to deeply understand the various economic policies of our country and find the negatives and positives of the same.
Harshil Khimani, a student of Avalon Heights International School Grade12. He believes that skill based education is far greater than theoretical, a simulation as such allows to think and implement, going beyond conventional bookish knowledge, hence developing not only our perspective but inculcating within us the necessary skills needed to become more able human beings. Artist at heart. Out of the box. In love with unconventional. Easy, approachable and genuine.

Prithvij is a passionate individual with flexible opinions about the word. He opines that MUNs allow people to put their thoughts and potential solutions through rigorous tests from others with different mindsets. He believes that the question, "are MUNs worthy of their name" is not his to answer because more than often people like their experience of something from the way its presented to them. So he'll do his part by making sure you get comfortable with the idea of MUNs.